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i am enquiring on behalf of my husband who is the 2nd owner of the flat which he co-joint with his mom. can he engage an agent to sell the property, he sign on the necessary forms when there and the agent contact his mom to sign the form on separate day? Or she signs 1st and he sign on a separate day. this is due to they are on very bad terms and his mom is seldom in sg as she is staying in malaysia with his sister. She agrees with selling of the property. But at the same time she wants to use her own agent. Is it possible to sell off the house using 2 agents? please advise urgently as my bto flat is going to be ready soon and i need to sell of the current flat soonest.
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3 Answers


As such case requires good communication and working knowledge, it would be good to work with only one agent. It is possible to have one seller to sign the OTP first and have the next seller sign later when the deal is firm. Such practise have being carried out for divorce cases too.

Do feel free to contact me for further discussion.

Mike Lim
ERA Read More
  • IY
    How about the 1st and 2nd hdb appt? What if the other party cant make it on the same day? As mentioned, my mom in law is staying in malaysia and seldom comes back to sg.
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