Hi Mrs Premalatha,
Perhaps you can contact me for a further discussion, so that I can go over the finances and procedural framework , at no obligation of course. I have additionally transacted a EM unit in Bishan at Record Price and it was published in the Newspaper (Available on my website). It will be apt to share the current transaction caveats for the sales of your unit and customise a sales report for your forthcoming purchase.
Where words do fall short, I would let me accolades and testimonials speak for my dedication and experience in this industry for the past 20 years. Please visit my website
: www.kumarrai.com for all the up to date awards, testimonials and accolades. Thank you very much!
D Kumar
+65 96659926 ERA Associate Division Director
#1 team of ERA in Singapore, Asia Pacific International for 2014/5/6/7
ERA 2015 Q1 Top Achievers (Top1%)
ERA Top Achievers 2013-2017
ERA Multi-Million Dollar Club Award
2014-2017 ERA Asia-Pacific Business Conference Elite Award
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Overall Top 100 achievers 2014-2017
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