To get a comprehensive valuation report, and the best possible price for your property within the shortest amount of time, reach out to us at 9727 .... , or email us at and we'll fetch the optimal value for your property. Check out: Our rates are 1% of the Sales Price + GST, one of the lowest in the market. We will assist to
-Aggressively market across 7 major platforms (E.g. Property Guru, SRX,, etc.)
-Exclusive posting on our Ohmyhome app which has more than 200,000 active monthly users
-Buyer match AI algorithm to match buyers to your property in real-time
Our track records that we sell 50% of our deals in under 7 days and on average all deals in 55 days which is 2x faster than anyone in the market. 73% of the units sold by our Ohmyhome agents are above the market average, potentially increasing our Seller's profits by $50k.
Considering your unit is a corner unit, high floor and tastefully renovated, it will convince buyers to pay COV. Does it also have any other special attributes? All these are factors that buyers look for when considering whether to pay more COV. It will also help the agent to angle their marketing efforts accordingly as well for the best presentation of your property listing to potential buyers.
Let me know if you want to find out more!
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Good day to you. Thanks for your reply. I know its going to take some time to fulfil or even not, but I will still try it out. Cheers!