3 Answers


I'm not sure where you got the news from. As of my knowledge, single scheme is still available, and the income ceiling have just being raised.

Mike Lim
ERA Read More
yes, eligible and income ceiling is $5000. The S&P process needs careful and confident planning with resale checklist submission, HDB, CPF, bank and lawyer etc. Recently my client 'suddently' bought a dream condo while 'holding on' to a HDB flat. They needed the extra 'funds' for the condo. Hence, after a series of planning, discussion and deliberation, they finally decided to sell their HDB unit. If you want a consistent S&P process, call us for an opinion. The stress relief effort is enormous and the commission is insignificant. Check this site: www.catherinepang.com Read More

Single singaporean age 35 and above can purchase resale HDB flat. In fact, the income ceiling has just been raised from $3000 to $5000.

Please call me at 96836230  if you have any other query.

Ander ERA Read More