4 Answers

Hi Mdm Tan

In your case that you have never own a HDB before, you are eligible for housing grant as a first timer. You may like to contact HDB svc line at 1800 866 3066 for further clarification.

Pls feel free to let me know if you need any assistance.

 9730 8455 
aaronchong2774@yahoo.com.sg Read More
Hi Mdm Tan,

Thanks for your enquiry. Pertaining to your case, like to know if you have bought any flat direct from HDB before prior to the condo? If do, you may not be eligible for the grant.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any assistance and I'm sure to guide you along.

God bless!
LB Toh
 9798 9633 
CEA Reg. R014840J
Email: Laibeng.toh@gmail.com Read More
Hi Mdm Tan

Are you one of the owners for your private condo? if you are, then you are not eligible for any housing grant within 30 months from the disposal of your private property.

There are also other conditions to fulfill in order to be entitled to the housing grant. Pls refer to the HDB website for more details. I hereby attach the link for your easy reference.


For yourself, single grant may be applicable to you in any case.

Pls feel free to contact me for further clarification.

Thanks and hope to hear from you again soon!

Jessie Chong
 9007 6388 
jessie6388@gmail.com Read More
Hi Mdm Tan

Thanks your question.

If you sell the condo away there's a 30 months bar period set by hdb before you are eligible for the housing grant.

You may consider to take the family grant (buying with the kids) of 30k once e bar period is over.

Should I can be of further assistance pls feel free to call me.


Ally Chin
Associate Team Director
CEA No.: R010439Z
Propnex Realty P/L
M: 81122213 
E: cwsally@yahoo.com Read More