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I have two questions that I need some advice on and hope someone can help.

Currently me and my fiancee is looking for a resale flat to buy. She is a Singaporean and I'm a Malaysian PR, first timer. We have the option of getting HLA loan from HDB as well as the first timer HDB grant.

1. I know bank loan interest rate is lower than HLA but it seems like everyone asking us to take HLA instead. Is HLA really better?

2. We are eligible for the S$20k grant from HDB, but I heard that you need to pay this back when we sell our flat and there even be a penalty for it later on?

Thank you in advance for answering my queries!
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1 Answer

Dear Vincent, you can call me at 81134767 . I will be happy to serve you. Thank you.

SQ Raudha-ERA Read More

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