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Hi, this is my 1st time buying a property in singapore. I am a government servant and i wish to purchase properties in singapore mainly for rental yields. Anyone with good offers and advise pls let me know.
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2 Answers

Hi John,

I would like to give you a brief intro about myself to understand what you can expect from me.

I am an ex- Retail Banker ( SCB) and into Investments since last 11 years - Global Market.

I basically cater to Investor clients - looking for cap appreciation and good rental yield.

Please mail me on and i shall let you know the projects which you can consider and the rental yields there.


Radhika Prakash
DTZ Debenham Tie Leung
 93380071  Read More
Hi John,

The property with the higher rental yields are generally those that are not in Central Region. Places like D19 and D15 etc.. their yields can be of 4% and more.. For District 9/10/11, rental yields are mainly about 2%++.

If you are looking at purely rental yield, getting a property in the OCR with a lower quantum would be fine. Key thing to look out for would be location, near MRT etc. However, there are certain areas with lower quantum in D9 that can fetch a similarly higher rental and being the fact that it is in D9, there are potential for capital gains as well. Reason being simple, foreigners who are cash rich will choose location as one of their main priority to invest.

If you are interested to find out more, feel free to contact me.

Ken Tan
Huttons Asia Ltd

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