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Hi, I am a S'porean living in a flat at Seng Kang which is valued at around 500K.

We would like to buy a ec at $800K. But we only have 120K in CPF. Our family income is 11k.

We have paid around 200k in cpf for our HDB (which was bought at 376k).

Is there a way we can make a purchase of the condo, using all of the 120K cpf as part of the 20% downpayment? And then sell the flat so as to use the cpf credited back for the condo?

Please advise. Will there be a minimum sum imposed? Because we plan to move house, not buy a second property for investment.

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3 Answers

Dear Ms. Alicia,

Please give me a call at 8233.23.23

I really have a very optimistic answer to your concerns.

Brandon - ERA Marketing Director
HP: 8233.23.23
Email: Read More
Hi Alicia,

I understand the situation you are in.
Many of my clients take advantage of a positive sales proceed from selling a HDB apt to upgrade to a pte condo.
In your case on selling your HDB apt, your sales proceed is still positive of about $110k after taking a resale price say $530k less your outstanding loan of $176k and amount back to CPF O/A with interest est $230k and other misc fee.

On the part of buying a e-condo of $800k, strictly cash would be 1% option fee + 4% option exercise fee + Stamp fee of $18,600 + other misc fees. This would add up to abt $58,600+, of which the stamp fee of $18,600 can be reimbursed from CPF O/A later. The current cpf of $120k is sufficient for the 15% only.

If you are taking bank loan for financing the purchase of EC, you cant do contra. The dealing of EC is like pte apt transaction.
The combined income of $11k monthly which I do not see any issue getting a 80% bank loan not taking consideration your credits. Better that I help get my banker friend to do up a IPA for you first.

In my opinion, you can consider to sell your HDB apt first, get the sale proceed to better finance the EC later. To complete a HDB trasaction, it is about 4.5 months compared to a pte apt which is generally about 8-12 weeks.

I would be pleased to show you more details of the financial plan for your selling and buying. Do call me 9876 5130  to discuss further.


TC Tan
Group Director
 9876 5130 Read More
Hi Alicia,

There is no restriction on the usage of the CPF money if you are going to sell your HDB flat.

Your current scenario is just a normal buying and selling of house.

You may like to call me for a discussion at 9027-6142  /

Best Regards,
Ken Lim Read More

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