5 Answers

Hi, appreciate your sharing. Kindly seek help at your nearest RC to meet the people session to solve your current issue.
Looking forward to assist you at 9696 4398  or email me at stewartlim96964398@gmail.com

Stewart-PropNex Read More

I would be most glad to assist you further and pls feel free to let me know if you need any assistance. Have a good day ahead. By the way, yes you can sign on the tenancy agreement as long as you are 18 years of age.

Aaron Chong
 9730 8455 
aaronchong2774@yahoo.com.sg Read More
In Singapore, there are no legal restrictions on a single mother's age (19 or above) regarding renting a one-room or two-room flat. However, there might be some practical considerations:

Income Sufficiency: Landlords typically require tenants to demonstrate sufficient income to cover the rent comfortably. This might be more challenging for a young single mother without a long employment history. Read More

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From: ABLE Toh- Your Property ASSISTANT :)

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