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I am a Singaporean. My partner is not a Singaporean and lives in US. We are planning to marry in next 6 month. Both of us are under 30. We are planning to buy a BTO.

I make S$ 3500 and my partner makes USD 6500(after tax its like $4000) a month. What are my options, because i saw the house hold income should be less than S$12000 in order to qualify. We are looking for 4 room flat, our budget is less $400,000. what grants am I qualify for, and whether am I eligible to any HDB? Is there a way to increase my grant by signed say with singaporean mom or dad. My parents already have a hdb.
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3 Answers

Hey there. Since your partner is not Singaporean or SPR, you are actually categorized under Non-Citizen Scheme.
Under this scheme, if you wish to purchase a BTO, you can only go for 2 room flat. Feel free to make a visit at HDB Hub on weekday or contact me personally. Read More
Robbie Chen Chee Howe
Hi Sir,

I understand that your partner is not a Citizen. But is she a PR? If she's not, I regret to inform you that you are not eligible to apply for a BTO flat.

You can however purchase a HDB flat from the resale market, under the Non-Citizen Spouse Scheme.

Should you need any further assistance in matters relating to property, please contact me at my mobile 9748 6305 . I will be happy to assess and share with you the possibilities for you in the current market.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Robbie Chen
 9748 6305 
PropNex Realty Read More

As your partner is not Singapore Citizen, sorry to inform that you are not eligible to apply for BTO. Also, you also not at the age above 35, you do not eligible to apply for 2 room flat and also resale HDB flat as well.

However, you may reconsider other options. Could you provide me more information and do feel free to contact me at my mobile so that I could add on value on your housing plan.

Shawn Yim
 9695 4627 
R049796J Read More

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