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I have become a SG citizen and now working in Hong Kong. I want to buy a small condo in District 9 of SG for investment / renting out. Regarding the TDSR, should I assume that it is only applicable to the SG context if I take up a housing loan from SG bank. What I really mean is that I do not need to provide any of my existing financing info in HK here. That’s very important to me because I may not be able to meet the latest strict requirement of the TDSR taking account of my existing borrowing in HK if I try to take up a housing loan from SG bank.
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4 Answers

Hi there,

Please feel free to contact me at 96659926  for a non obligatory discussion for me to better understand your requirements and specifications to optimize your time and search in a hassle free manner!

Based on your budget,needs and preferences, I will come up with a customized list of units to view, which works efficiently and effectively.

My services cover you through the whole process from finding the property to negotiating for the best price to post deal paperwork to establishing financial calculations and ascertaining risks. I will provide you with a comprehensive sales report of properties in the desired location, make available to you recent live transactions for your understanding, share on financial calculations and progressive payments information you may need, provide more information on rental yield and potential capital appreciation.

Do visit my website to view my testimonials/recent awards and gather more info on me:
Look forward to hearing from you! Have a great day!

D Kumar
ERA Associate Division Director

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Hi, in the way local bank will not able to find out your debt serving out of Singapore, but up to you to declare. Why not speak to my DBS banker to check it out before look for the property. Please drop me an email for me to share.

I am contactable via mobile or email.

CK Ang
 9046 3808 Read More
Thea Hoi Shu Min
Good day to you! Please feel free to contact me at 81255537  for more discussion.

Thank you!
 81255537  Read More
Eric 李清海 Lee

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