Aljunied Crescent

About Aljunied Crescent

Aljunied Crescent is located in the Geylang HDB Estate. There are 31.6K flats in which 150K residents live and enjoy their lives. The word Geylang means Kilang which states to mill or factory which were present in the early days of the Geylang HDB estate. The housing board has slowly and carefully developed the area into a planned residential area. There are many new developments taking place in the Geylang estate and all the amenities are present in the area. It is a great place for living and the residents can enjoy food, get health facilities and travel to anywhere in the city easily. Just like all the greatly planned HDB estates, Geylang has everything to make the lives of the residents comfortable and enjoyable. Geylang real estate market shows incredible growth and the property in the area is continuously booming, making it ideal for living and investing for commercial purposes.


There are a total of 19 blocks of HDBs available in the Aljunied Crescent. Many new developments have taken place since the origin of Aljunied Crescent. The newest development was constructed in the year 1986 while the oldest was developed in the year 1975. There are a total 2623 HDB units in the area. The residential developments of the area typically offer single bedroom, 2 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, 4 bedrooms, 5 bedrooms and executive flats units in the area. The area offers all the major facilities and features to its residents so that the residents do not have to worry about anything while residing in the area and can enjoy their lifestyle accordingly to their needs.


The residents of the Aljunied Crescent do not have to worry about moving to and from the Aljunied Crescent as it provides a great array of road and railway transport networks. The residents of the Aljunied Crescent can easily use bus stations near the area such as the Opp Mattar Station Exit A bus stop, Blk 77 Bus Stop, Opp Mattar Station Exit B bus stop, Blk 79 FC bus stop, Blk 36 Bus Stop and MacPherson Pre School Bus Stop to travel to and from the location.


Furthermore, there are three MRT stations in the vicinity as well, such as Aljunied MRT Station, Paya Lebar MRT Station and MacPherson MRT Station using which the residents can move to any destination in the city or come back to their location. The residents of the Aljunied Crescent do not have to worry about the accessibility of the location. It does not matter if you are moving using MRT/LRT or your own car. For those who have their own cars and love to drive, the can easily reach the development as it is connected to major roads and highways of the area. 


The residents of the Aljunied Crescent can live a great life with their family members. Whether both parents are working or whether the family wants to enjoy, everything is easily available in the area. Aljunied Crescent is a great location for living together with family and has many day care centers, primary schools and secondary schools available as well in the area.


Day Care Centers:

  • Pu Ti Child Care Center
  • Bethel Child Development Centre
  • PCF MacPherson
  • PAP Community Foundation Centre


Primary & Secondary Schools:

  • Smiling Star Speedy Chinese Character Recognition
  • House Tutor Tuition Singapore
  • Geylang Methodist School
  • Spring Brainy Kidz
  • The Little Champions


Aljunied Crescent has all the facilities to enjoy urban and modern lifestyle. The residents do not have to worry about anything in the location and can enjoy a modern urban lifestyle in the area. Everything is easily accessible in the area. Other than its strategic location, the area is surrounded with plenty of amenities. From shopping centers to parks and from entertainment centers to religious areas, the residents can enjoy everything. The area is full of notable places containing parks, dining places and shopping malls.


Recreational Parks:

  • Geylang East Park


Shopping Malls:

  • Paya Lebar Square
  • Singapore Post Centre
  • City Plaza


Dine-out Places:

  • McDonald’s
  • Delisnacks
  • MacPherson Market & Food Centre
  • CCK 190 Wanton Mee


The developers in the area made sure that their developments become a landmark for future developments and attract people from all over the city. There are many other great developments in the area, making the area attractive and charming. Aljunied Crescent is also connected to other HDB streets such as Geylang East Central, Aljuined Avenue 2 and Geylang East Avenue 1.

HDB Blocks

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BLK 101
Aljunied Crescent, 380101
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BLK 102
Aljunied Crescent, 380102
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Aljunied Crescent, 380103
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BLK 104
Aljunied Crescent, 380104
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Aljunied Crescent, 380105
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Aljunied Crescent, 380106
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BLK 108
Aljunied Crescent, 380108
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BLK 109
Aljunied Crescent, 380109
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BLK 110
Aljunied Crescent, 380110
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BLK 111
Aljunied Crescent, 380111