5 Answers

Hi, as your servicing agent, it is his or her duty to be on site whenever there is a viewing.

 9730 8455 
aaronchong2774@yahoo.com.sg Read More

Yes definitely. Personally that's the minimal standard for my working style. They should prioritize your property especially if you have given them exclusive rights to the assignment. Otherwise, there's no control of the marketing process and there's no idea to know whether things are done proper and what kind of feedback do the buyers have.

May I have more info and requirements about your plans so to make better recommendations? Thanks and look forward to value-add to your housing plans.

Warm Regards,
(ASk Anything Property)
Proactive. Sincerity. Feedback.
SMU BBM (Finance), Magna Cum Laude

Email: Ivanng10@gmail.com
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Robbie Chen Chee Howe

There is no rule that states that your agent must be on-site for every viewing.

However, it will be professional for him to do that. If any case that there is an emergency, and he is not able to be there for the viewing, it would be good if he can get one of his colleagues to cover the duties for him.

Should you need any further assistance in matters relating to property, please contact me at my mobile 9748 6305  . I will be happy to assess and share with you the possibilities for you in the current market.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Robbie Chen
 9748 6305 
PropNex Realty Read More
We do not know what has been communicated between your appointed salesperson to the buyer or his/her salesperson therefore whether your salesperson need to be onsite or not, the critical aspect is having your house sold. I have sold units at good pricing without being present for the viewing too because communication has been kept tight with the prospective buyers and their salesperson.

In appointing the salesperson to market your property for sale, it is not about being present on site during viewing or not. It is about reaching out to the network of buyers out there and getting the desired price for the seller that matters. If you have concerns about your appointed salesperson not being on site, feedback your concerns to him or her.

I do not like to take advantage of the situation like some who says it is a duty to be on site and create forms of misunderstandings.

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Geryl LIM
Associate Marketing Director
Global Alliance Property (L3010679B) - Century 21
CEA Reg R014783H
Mobile: +65-81577565  /+65-92787772
Email: geryl7772@gmail.com

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Eric 李清海 Lee
The essence is your agent has arranged appointment with the co broke.
If you are updated consistently.. It should be acceptable.

Eric Lee 9386 6226 
AAG Orangetee
R017884I Read More