2 Answers

Good morning,

Given your income status, HDB should be able to loan you around $120k. Hence in order to purchase a 4 room flat, your CPF need to have around $170k as you will be eligible for single grant of $15k and possible AHG of around $7.5k.

Do feel free to contact me for further discussion.

Mike Lim
ERA Read More
Hi homebuyer,
Direct to your query, the age of Hdb flat should not be more than 64yrs (bank loan restriction kicks in, can't get 80% loan) and less than 69 yrs (can't use CPF).

In addition, to use your CPF, then the HDB should be less than 45 yrs (the rule book says flat age + your age < 80).

As for bank or Hdb loan, it very much depends on individual needs n finance status. In general, other than comparing interest rates (generally, bank loan interest rates look better), other considerations may be:
1) down payment (use bank then u need pay 5% in cash, and Hdb loan allows u to use CPF)
2) Lock in period: bank typically locks in 1-3 yrs whereas HDB no lock in (meaning if us strike 4D or toto, can repay in full Read More