6 Answers

Hi, I'm sorry that you can't list your property for sale at this portal as it is mainly for those paid subscriber. Alternatively, you could do it via some free property website like Gumtree as well as thru the newspaper. You may like to share with me why you don't intend to engage an agent to assist you further where the current market makes it even harder to sell at such a time as this...

aaronchong2774@yahoo.com.sg Read More
HI Mr Seller, My suggestion is for you to engage an agent to do all the marketing and paperwork for you as at the end of the day, if the agent is not able to sell off your unit, you are not liable for any cost. Do drop me a call or e mail on how you can get to enjoy great professional real estate service at no cost to you.
Rix Jim
 9687 1379 
Propnex Read More

Direct sellers can only place their advertisement on the papers and free advertising website. Portals like Property guru, iProperty, etc, are paid portals where only registered agents are allowed to carry their advertising.

Mike Lim
ERA Read More
Hi there,

Only subscribed agents are allowed to post here.
May I ask why are you taking the onus of self markerting your unit? And that too, in this sluggish market- where units are on the shelve for as long as 6 months and beyond for some.

Without the right set of knowledge, expertise, marketing strategies/tools, ability to give exposure to your property as well as negotiation and related skills, you may not achieve a purchase price that maximizes your interest and welfare.

Do contact me at 96659926  for a non obligatory discussion to run you through transaction caveats, price analysis of market as well as chart financial calculations flow for your understanding.

Visit my website to view all my recent accolades - esteemed awards and testimonials to gather more information on me: www.kumarrai.com

D Kumar
 +65 96659926 
ERA Associate Division Director

About Me-

ERA Top Achievers 2013/14
ERA Multi-Million Dollar Club Award
2014 ERA Asia-Pacific Business Conference Elite Award

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Dear Owner,

Only Real Estate Salespersons with a subscription to Propertyguru are able to advertise listings on Propertyguru. If you would like to sell the unit on your own, you can try advertising in the papers or on free online portals.

However in such a sluggish market, it would be best to engage an agent or 2 to help to market your unit and protect your interest. Without the needed expertise and marketing tools, you might not be able to fetch a decent price for your unit if you DIY.

With marketing tools such as Propertyguru, SRX, Streetsine, STproperty, 88co, frequent ads in the papers and other methods, I will be able to gain vast exposure for your property and have it reach many buyers and agents.

Do let me know when will be a convenient time for a meetup to discuss further. I look forward to hearing from you.

Bhavina Kaur
Senior Marketing Manager
ERA Realty

M: +65 91708295 
E: bhavina7777@gmail.com
W: investbuysellrent.com Read More
YT Tan (陈永达)
Good afternoon,

Sorry to inform you that only subscribed agents are allowed to post their listings on Propertyguru. If you want to DIY, can try free web portals or spend $ on advertisements.

If not, you can choose to engage a real estate salesperson to tap on his resources, network and market knowledge to assist in your property sale.

If you need any assistance or advice in your property sale, feel free to contact me. Cheers!

Warmest Regards,
YT TAN 陈永达 | ACCA Graduate, RES
Vice President (Agency)
Property Avenue Pte Ltd
Estate Agent no. L3010650D
Blk 420 North Bridge Road #03-30 North Bridge Centre S188727

(M): +65 9111 5171 
(E): yt.lovelyhomes@gmail.com
(W): www.yttan.com
(W): www.propertyavenue.com.sg Read More

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