2 Answers

YT Tan (陈永达)
Good morning Tryston,

You are eligible to purchase a resale HDB with your parents under public scheme.

But do take note that, all of you have to fulfill 3 years of SPR status first in order to do so.

If you need any assistance in your property purchase, feel free to contact me. Cheers!

Warmest Regards,
YT TAN 陈永达 | ACCA Graduate, RES
ECG Property Pte Ltd
(M): +65 9111 5171 
(E): yt.lovelyhomes@gmail.com
(W): www.yttan.com Read More
Hi Tryston

Yes you can buy with your parents as long as you have fulfill 3 years of PR status. Please write to me at silviac@singnet.com.sg for more info. or you can call me at 97508318  for a discussion. Silvia Chua ERA Read More