1 Answer

Afternoon Tim,

As you already have an acting agent, all that I can say is that your agent should have checked for the necessary documentation, prior signing the OTP. Under the new regulation, sellers do have the cooling period of 7 days, after they done the finanical computation and accessed themselve with the resale checklist.


Mike Lim
ERA Read More
  • TJ
    Hi Mike, I questioned my Agent regarding this. He was told the seller had an experienced friend handling it, but later he asked again, they claim they did not do the checklist. So after he pursue the matter, they decided to change their mind. We do not know the truth from here.

    As far as I know, the seller had been marketing the unit for more than a month, and had signed the OTP.

    How is this ruling from HDB going to work against me? Is this a loophole for all sellers to get away from OTP liability?

    Who is responsible for my damages?