Bukit Batok West Avenue 2
About Bukit Batok West Avenue 2
Bukit Batok West Avenue 2 is located in Bukit Batok HDB Estate. There are around 40.5k flats where almost 120k residents live. The name of the area was also derived from the hilly nature of the area making it further attractive. It is a newly developed region as compared to other regions. Since the time of its origin, it was the base of many different types of industries and since then it has come a long way to make it a place worth living accordingly to the modern designs and lifestyles. And the major development in the area of Bukit Batok for HDB started in the 1980s and since then it has developed itself into a town that is self sufficient containing everything to make a life of the residents peaceful and enjoyable. Bukit Batok is now the preferred location from the investment point of view because the property prices are continuously booming in the area.
There are 8 blocks that fall under it with the postal codes such as 650419 to 650426. The oldest HDBs in Bukit Batok West Avenue 2 were developed in 1986 and the newest was developed in 1988 . This area offers approximately 668 units with many different types of building with flats of residential units consisting of 3-rooms, 4-rooms and 5-rooms . The area offers all the major facilities and features to its residents so that the residents do not have to worry about anything while residing in the area and can enjoy their lifestyle accordingly to their needs.
The residents of the area do not have to worry about moving to and from the location. The area has a great road access and train stations. The residents can easily use the train stations such as Bukit Batok MRT Station (NS2), Bukit Gombak MRT Station (NS3 ) and Teck Whye MRT Station (BP4). Furthermore, the residents of the area can also use the buses to easily move to other areas or come back to this area. The residents can use the bus stops such as Blk 419, Blk 324, Blk 331 and Blk 315 bus stop to travel using buses.
The residents of the area do not have to worry about the accessibility of the location. It does not matter if you are moving using MRT/LRT or your own car. The area is easily accessible and directly to other nearby roads which makes the approach very easier and attractive.
Bukit Batok West Avenue 2 is a great location for living together with family and has many day care centers, primary schools and secondary schools available as well in the area. Parents do not have to worry about the education of their children and furthermore, if both parents are working, they can easily send their children to the day care centers in the area nearby.
Day Care Centers
- Carpen Diem Childcare
- YWCA Child Development Centre
- The Moral Childcare
- Appleland
Primary & Secondary schools:
- Pcf Sparkletots Preschool
- Grace House
- Dazhong Primary School
- MOE Kidergarten @ Dazhong
- St Anthony’s Primary
The residents do not have to worry about anything in the location and can enjoy a modern urban lifestyle in the area. Everything is easily accessible in the area. Other than its strategic location, the area is surrounded with plenty of amenities. The residents do not have to worry about anything in the area because everything is easily available in the locality. From shopping centers to parks and from entertainment centers to religious areas, the residents can enjoy everything. The area is full of notable places containing parks, dining places and shopping malls.
Recreational parks:
- Beauty Garden
- Bukit Batok Hillside Park
- Gombak Park
- Reservoir
Shopping malls:
- Bukit Gombak Neighbourhood Centre
- West mall
- Keat Hong Shopping Centre
- Sunshine Place
Dine-out places:
- Red Lantern Restaurant
- Jew Kit Hainanese Chincke Rice
- Sin Keow Restaurant Bukit Batok
- Makan Makan Nasi Ayam
The developers in the area made sure that their developments become a landmark for future developments and attract people from all over the city. There are many other great developments in the area, making the area attractive and charming. Bukit Batok West Avenue 2 is easily connected other HDB streets such as Bukit Batok West Avenue 4, Bukit Batok West Avenue 5, Bukit Batok Central and Bukit Batok West Avenue 3.