PropertyGuru Group, Asia’s leading property portal group, saw revenue growth of 53 percent year-on-year during the first six months of 2013, with its Singapore business demonstrating the best growth performance of 40 percent.

Following a similar trend, visits and property listings on PropertyGuru’s websites grew with the former rising by 30 percent to achieve 11.4 million monthly users, and the latter increasing in all countries by 30 percent to reach a total of 650,000. This puts the group well on target to achieve 800,000 active property listings by end-2013.

Steve Melhuish, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of PropertyGuru Group shared his perspective on the performance results.

He said: “The Group’s business units performed well and surpassed projected estimates. This is another accomplishment for PropertyGuru as we continue to be market leader in Singapore, and see accelerated growth in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.”

“Our biggest asset is in our people; everyone plays a vested role in driving the company further with a view to long-term sustainability. We’re pleased to have appointed key senior executives in our management leadership team inclusive of a Chief People and Culture Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Financial Officer from Europe’s number one online classifieds Scout24 and Chief Technology Officer to oversee the future development of our business.”

In Singapore mobile technology continues to be top-line priority, contributing more than 56 percent of visitor traffic. The PropertyGuru, the only property newspaper in the market, is now available for free download on Apple and Android app stores. Advertisers are also able to explore rich-media opportunities beyond the traditional realm of static print advertisements.

PropertyGuru Malaysia, under the helm of Country Head Gerard Kho, is showing dramatic increases in visitor and real estate listings. The inaugural launch of the Malaysia Property Show in Johor, which allowed prospective Singaporean investors to pay a visit to the development sites in Iskandar, also saw an outstanding turn-out with more than 1,300 visitors and over S$8 million in transactions., Thailand’s number one property website continues to exceed expectations with the recent conclusion of large online advertising deals with established banking institutions, including Thanachart, Siam Commercial and Kasikorn.

Listings on in Indonesia doubled in the last 12 months to 160,000. Mobile apps saw rapid growth with over 220,000 downloads, with large deals inked with Indonesia’s biggest banks including Standard Chartered, Bank Mandiri and Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah.


Andrew Batt, International Group Editor of PropertyGuru Group, wrote this story. To contact him about this or other stories email


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