40 Good Class Bungalows for Sale in Singapore
⭐️GCB Elevated Good Class Bungalow, Hilltop, Move in immediately⭐️
- 8
- 10
- 16,000 sqft (floor),
- 26,500 sqft (land)
- S$ 3,207.55 psf (land)
Listed 21h ago
TANGLIN ONE FAMILY MAGNUM OPUS BUNGALOW 16k sqft. Opulence personified.
- 6
- 7
- 15,500 sqft
- S$ 2,967.74 psf
Listed 17h ago
- 6
- 8
- 25,000 sqft (floor),
- 19,332 sqft (land)
- S$ 4,138.22 psf (land)
Listed 17h ago
Chatsworth, Tanglin, Jervois, Mount Echo vicinity
- 5
- 5
- 6,000 sqft (floor),
- 15,500 sqft (land)
- S$ 2,903.23 psf (land)
Listed 19h ago
Chatsworth/ Tanglin / Jervois Vicinity
- 6
- 6
- 10,000 sqft (floor),
- 15,000 sqft (land)
- S$ 3,466.67 psf (land)
Listed 19h ago
Good Class Bungalow for Sale @ Jervois
- 5
- 6
- 10,000 sqft (floor),
- 15,070 sqft (land)
- S$ 3,981.42 psf (land)
Listed 1d ago
❤️A1 LOCATION 黄腾地点 ❤️Jervois Vicinity, near Orchard Rare GCB Plot ☎️MARTIN 9320.20.20
- 8
- 8
- 10 sqft (floor),
- 15,170 sqft (land)
- S$ 2,999.34 psf (land)
Listed 1d ago
Grange Rd
- 7
- 6
- 7,000 sqft (floor),
- 12,700 sqft (land)
- S$ 2,834.65 psf (land)
Listed 4d ago
Brand New GCB almost 40k sqft gfa crafted and designed with ostentatious luxury in mind
- 7
- 9
- 40,000 sqft (floor),
- 19,000 sqft (land)
- S$ 6,210.53 psf (land)
Listed 4d ago
⚡️Squarish & Wide Frontage Land⚡️Great Value⚡️(顶级优质洋房)⚡️ ❤️(9295☎️8888 祝您祝我, 发发发发)❤️
- 3
- 3
- 30,000 sqft (floor),
- 30,000 sqft (land)
- S$ 3,266.67 psf (land)
Listed 4d ago
Tanglin Hill
- 8
- 10,000 sqft (floor),
- 15,100 sqft (land)
- S$ 3,178.81 psf (land)
Listed 5d ago
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