Josephine Lim J R 林婕容 (区域分行董事 )

Past Transactions
Past Transactions in 3 years
Transaction Type
Client Type
Property Type
Mostly located in
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The past transaction data contains information from the CEA Salespersons Property Transaction Records accessed on 11 February 2022 from the Council For Estate Agencies which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data License version 1.0 .
The past transaction data is provided on an "as in" and "as available" basis, and PropertyGuru Pte Ltd makes no representations or warranties in relation to the past transaction data, including but not limited to any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, continued availability, timeliness, or fitness for any particular purpose of the past transaction data to the fullest extent permitted by law.
About Josephine
Cell: +6*****
Whatsapp: www.h*****
eMail : j*****@*****
Wechat: JosephinelimJR
OPTION Division - Top Rookie / Top Achiever / Top Manager Winner
Josephine Lim J R 's passion for property is to provide customers with services and information with Confidence,Clarity and Capital gains.
Josephine Lim J R handle customer with diligence and enthusiasm also acquaintance with numerous friendships that's been formed with statisfied customers.
Our proven Go To Market (GTM) selling or buying strategy for experienced investor, a first time buyer or a foreigner looking for property, the services render you through the whole process - selling or buying the property, negotiating the best price, making an offer and closing the deal.
Josephine Lim J R 林婕容 & Laurence Tan Group a wide network of clientele, experience in negotiation skills, and a well-honed marketing strategy; not to forget … Dedication, Commitment and Sincerity.
- Apartment Rental
- Apartment Sales
- Landed House Rental
- Landed House Sales
- HDB Rental
- HDB Sales
- Commercial Property
- Mortgage Advisory
- Official Valuations
- Relocation Services
Where Josephine Operates
Show Only Properties:
Orchard / Holland (D09-10)
Newton / Bt. Timah (D11, 21)
Where Josephine Operates

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