Jeffrey Yam 严居烈

Past Transactions
Past Transactions in 3 years
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The past transaction data contains information from the CEA Salespersons Property Transaction Records accessed on 18 February 2022 from the Council For Estate Agencies which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data License version 1.0 .
The past transaction data is provided on an "as in" and "as available" basis, and PropertyGuru Pte Ltd makes no representations or warranties in relation to the past transaction data, including but not limited to any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, continued availability, timeliness, or fitness for any particular purpose of the past transaction data to the fullest extent permitted by law.
About Jeffrey
When you trust me with your home needs and requests, you are giving me the privilege of sourcing your new personal space and retreat. Understanding your full needs and budget is critically important in the first step. This equips me with the raw material to which I can share with you relevant market and industry trends, housing availability and property prices. With every single client that I engage with, I bring with me my personal integrity of honesty, professionalism and a high level of service.
The Sales and Leasing process in your dream home hunt can be confusing, frustrating, tiring and extremely stressful. This is where I hope my consultancy would be able to ease your worries, and to make the whole search a more happy and fuss-free journey for you. I will guide you towards making a sound investment, and protecting your interests.
I hope to have the opportunity to work with you. Thank you for believing in me.
我从2010年涉足房地产行业。 在此之前, 我在半导体和光纤领域从事销售将近20年。一场 经济危机让我转型进入了房地产行业,也正是这个机缘巧合,为我打开了一扇新的大门。从事房地产咨询事业, 让我找到了向往的事业。这份事业充实,满足并且充满了成就感。满意客户喜迁新居的画面,我总是百看不厌。这些也一次又一次让我更加确定:我选对了事业。
在您住房需求的选择上,如果能取得您的信任, 我将倍感荣幸。为了能给您提供最相关的市场信息和动向,房产是否可售以及房价等信息, 我会需要先了解您的要求和预算。对于我的每一位客户,我都会提供最诚恳,专业和高品质的服务。
希望能有机会与你合作, 感谢您的信任!
- Apartment Rental
- Apartment Sales
- Landed House Rental
- Landed House Sales
- HDB Rental
- HDB Sales
- Commercial Property
Where Jeffrey Operates
Show Only Properties:
Balestier / Geylang (D12-14)
Orchard / Holland (D09-10)
Serangoon / Thomson (D19-20)
Where Jeffrey Operates

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