Jason Wong Soon Guan

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The past transaction data contains information from the CEA Salespersons Property Transaction Records accessed on 16 February 2022 from the Council For Estate Agencies which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data License version 1.0 .
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About Jason Wong
Buying a property is a major decision for almost everyone, unless you are born with a silver spoon. Most of us are extra prudent and hesitate before making the next move. It is because our money are hard earned.
As for selling to upgrade. It is the same mentality as well. Most of us want to get the best price in order to "get back" as much as possible.
I wanted to share the below real case study which i encountered and i am glad that i am able to help them change their life.
**Condo owner in East Coast**
Mr and Mrs Goh had always wanted to sell their 2 bedder condo along Upper East Coast. They wanted to upgrade as they had 2 kids and a maid. It get very cramp through the years. Unfortunately they tried selling for approx 2 years as an open listing by more than 6 agents under 3 agency. Due to open listing nature, none of the agents are committed(eg, nobody post on ST ad, flyer, etc) Viewing are messy and uncoordinated. Many leads could be wasted as the agents do not put priority to the viewing. None of the agents offered their help to do financial analysis for them to prepare them for their next home too.
They engage me on Aug16 to sell their 2 bedder. I told them that if they wanted to be serious about selling and upgrade, i need to do it in an Exclusive manner. They agree and i also diligently assist them in planning for their finance in order to prepare them for the upgrade. Timeline planning is also brief to them in great details.
Under much coordinated team work and marketing, their property is sold in 2 months time without making a loss!
And under my systematic house hunt method, they bought another 3 bedder condo in D15 in a short period of 3 weeks. It was bought at below valuation. Due to well executed timeline planning, they also do not need to need to waste money to lease another place before they shift into their new condo!
Although the couple is very appreciative of what i had done for them, i feel even happier for them as they have been SET FREE to upgrade! It is really a joy!
******A little about myself *****
I am specialised both in Pte property and HDB sales. Being a HDB owner and private property owner myself, I understand how both market work exactly. And also what buyer tend to look out for in their purchase. I enjoyed working with seller as well to ensure they are able to let off their property asap at the right price so as to subsequently fulfil their goal in their next purchase.
Nevertheless real estate business is all about helping my customer to achieve their dream through properties planning. It can be a simple upgrading to an extensive restructuring of portfolio. Both of which, I yearn very much to provide as much value as possible to all my customer.
2016 is another year of great opportunity for both buyer and seller. Let's take well coordinated action today to create wealth through property!
I wish you all the best and good health!
Yours Truly
Jason Wong
(D15/16-Pte property and HDB Specialist)
Email: J*****@*****
Hp: 9*****
- Apartment Sales
- HDB Sales
- Mortgage Advisory
- Relocation Services
Where Jason Wong Operates
Show Only Properties:
Balestier / Geylang (D12-14)
City & South West (D01-08)
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