Chua RenJie (RJ)

Past Transactions
Past Transactions in 3 years
Transaction Type
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Property Type
Mostly located in
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The past transaction data contains information from the CEA Salespersons Property Transaction Records accessed on 11 February 2022 from the Council For Estate Agencies which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data License version 1.0 .
The past transaction data is provided on an "as in" and "as available" basis, and PropertyGuru Pte Ltd makes no representations or warranties in relation to the past transaction data, including but not limited to any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, continued availability, timeliness, or fitness for any particular purpose of the past transaction data to the fullest extent permitted by law.
About Chua
With his excellent real estate skills, vast experience and strong dedication to clients, RJ Chua has been consistently providing his clients with the best services they deserve. Having been in the industry for more than five years, he has handled many transactions in the residential and industrial sectors.
RJ Chua puts utmost importance to building a strong relationship with clients. He always puts customers first, understanding their needs and taking the necessary steps to make sure that their expectations are met or exceeded. He strives for a win-win situation for his clients and partners. Moreover, he possesses the ability to stay ahead of the market trends, allowing his clients to get their desired prices in any given circumstance.
Whether you are looking for professional advice for property selling, buying or renting, RJ Chua is the one you can rely on. He is here to serve you and will understand your personal needs. He will be committed to helping you through each step of the process.
So if you’re looking for an experienced real estate agent who is dedicated to client satisfaction, RJ Chua is the right choice. Reach out to him today and turn your dreams into a reality.
RJ Chua是您值得信賴的房地產代理,憑藉他專業的房地產技能、豐富的經驗和對客戶的堅定奉獻,RJ Chua一直不斷為客戶提供他們應得的最佳服務。
RJ Chua高度重視與客戶建立牢固的關係。他始終以客戶為先,了解他們的需求,並采取必要措施,以確保他們的期望得到滿足甚至超出期望。他致力於客戶和合作夥伴之間的贏-贏局面。此外,他擁有超越市場趨勢的能力,使客戶可以在任何情況下獲得他們想要的價格。
無論您是尋求專業的買賣、租賃房產建議,還是在尋找一位對客戶滿意度負責任的經驗豐富的房地產經紀人,RJ Chua都將成為您的不二之選。他在這裡為您服務,並理解您的個人需求。他將致力於幫助您完成整個過程的每一步。
因此,如果您正在尋找一位專業又對客戶滿意度負責任的房地產經紀人,RJ Chua就是您的不二之選。立即聯繫他,讓您的夢想成真!
- Apartment Rental
- Apartment Sales
- Landed House Rental
- Landed House Sales
- HDB Rental
- HDB Sales
- Commercial Property
Where Chua Operates
Show Only Properties:
North (D25-28)
Orchard / Holland (D09-10)
Where Chua Operates

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