Charlyene Choo 朱慧玲

Past Transactions
Past Transactions in 3 years
Transaction Type
Client Type
Property Type
Mostly located in
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The past transaction data contains information from the CEA Salespersons Property Transaction Records accessed on 17 February 2022 from the Council For Estate Agencies which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data License version 1.0 .
The past transaction data is provided on an "as in" and "as available" basis, and PropertyGuru Pte Ltd makes no representations or warranties in relation to the past transaction data, including but not limited to any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, continued availability, timeliness, or fitness for any particular purpose of the past transaction data to the fullest extent permitted by law.
About Charlyene
Charlyene Choo is Huttons Top 10 Annual Agents for 7 consecutive years, one of the most consistent and prominent real estate agent in this industry. She has received the SEAA award on National Level.
SEAA Platinum award is a very prestigious award, and only given to agents who are the very best in this industry.
On a company level, in 2022, she was awarded Millionaire Award of Huttons, and Minister Chan Chun Sing handed her and her family the award personally on stage, witnessed by thousands, to recognise the efforts and hard work she has put in for her clients.
Trusted, efficient, responsive, fast, property agent in Singapore :
Even though Charlyene acheived NUS 2nd Upper Honours in Maths, received MOE Teaching Award, and has been a MOE Teacher previously, she switched to real estate since 2011, and has been awarded Annual Top 10 Producers of Huttons ever since.
Having been a teacher before, she has high level of empathy and understanding towards her clients, and clients do not feel any barrier talking to her about their situations and problems. Charlyene always has a proven customised solution for every client.
Charlyene has accumulated more than 13 years of experience in the industry and over 500 properties transacted. Charlyene has definitely built a strong reputation as a trusted agent. She serves clients whole heartedly and makes sure that their interests are placed above everything else.
In recent years, she has appeared on many social media and news articles, e.g. during Covid, she appeared on the front page of Straits Times, which interviewed her on how she was still able to help her sellers to sell their properties despite a lockdown, with no physical viewing possible.
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These articles were widely reshared and inspired many agents to do the same for their sellers, as some sellers had to urgently sell their place but devastated by the lockdown.
Charlyene was also invited to a dialogue session with MND Minister Tan Kiat How, to discuss about issues that sellers / buyers are facing, and property challenges.
Charlyene specialises in all new launches (Direct Developer Sales), and selling HDB and private properties, in every corner of Singapore, from Jurong to Pasir Ris, from Woodlands to Shenton Way.
She specialises in helping condo/HDB seller to plan their next purchase, as it is normally very stressful for seller to DIY selling and buying at the same time.
If the timelines are not done properly, theres a risk of the sale or purchase not being able to complete / funds cannot come in in time to complete, thereafter causing major issues.
Charlyene has received several good reviews in propertyguru website, review your property agent websites, etc.
Leave your property in good hands with Charlyene!
Charlyene's client base mostly comes from existing clients who had excellent experience with her for previous transactions, and also referrals from the happy and satisfied clients she has served.
(Some of the testimonials are showcased in her whatsapp business catalogue as well. )
Yearly Awards in Recent Years Out of 3500 Agents
(Awards before 2017 not shown):
5th Top Producer Local Project
1st Runner Up Top Associate Senior Division Director
Champion Top Producer For July 2018
Champion Top Producer for January
WHD 2nd Runner Up Top Producer Overall
1st Runner Up Top Associate Senior Division Director
8th Top Producer Overall
7th Top Producer Local Projects
4th Top Associate Senior Division Director
10th Top Producer Overall
2nd Runner Up Top Associate Senior Division Director
SEAA Platinum Salespersons Achivement Award
Diamond Champion Top Producer for April
Platinum Champion Top Producer for June
Platinum Champion Top Producer for July
Platinum Champion Top Producer for August
6th Top Producer Local Projects
8th Top Producer Overall
5th Top Producer in ABG
SEAA Platinum Salespersons Achivement Award
Whether you are looking to sell your house or buying a new private property, please do not hesitate to give Charlyene a call at +6***** , and let her discuss the options and do a free analysis for you.
- Apartment Sales
- Landed House Sales
- Commercial Property
Where Charlyene Operates
Show Only Properties:
Changi / Pasir Ris (D17-18)
City & South West (D01-08)
Where Charlyene Operates

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