PropertyGuru Lens
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Search Homes You See

Have you ever walked down the street and wondered what’s the name of a particular condo or how much it’d cost? PropertyGuru Lens helps you answer such questions by turning your smartphone camera into a real-world search device.

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Find Homes You Love

Ever visited someone’s place and realised it’s perfect for you? Get inspired by similar properties – for sale or rent – without having to type keywords in a search box.

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Explore The Neighbourhood

Extend your exploration beyond the property. Check out the amenities and accessibility of the area – with just a tap of your finger!.

Augmented Reality Visual Property Search

Lens is powered by Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence, It works by first analysing the visual data of a building image before using geo-location technology to perform different tasks based on the contents of the image. The technology will identify the building and then give users the property listings of all units that are available for purchase or rent, all in real-time.

Start Using Lens Now!

Available now for all PropertyGuru Singapore iOS users (iPhone 7 and above). Login to your PropertyGuru app, tap on the camera icon, and start discovering properties near you.