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My boyfriend and i want to buy a private apartment (first time buyer). We don't seem to be able to find an apartment that suit our needs. We are looking for a place (either 2+1 or 3 bedroom) not too far from town (as far as D15) that is quiet and breezy. Hopefully around some greenery and that the flat is of quality fittings or a good practical floor plan within 1mil. We have seen various resale apartments but they are either too old or blocked. We are interested in some of the smaller penthouse units with jacuzzi however because we are not VVIP registered they get booked up fast. And it looks like VVIP prices are better in value. Perhaps a nice genuine agent can help us here and put on VVIP list? While we are not in a hurry, we noticed many of the new launches only TOP in next year or so. Could we get some nice advice?
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2 Answers

Lee Chun Peng Adnic
hi Shann,

D15 is a really nice place, I stay there myself.
I am quite a nos of units in a development there which will TOP around mid this year.

Perhaps you could give me a ring or drop me an sms with your email address so I can email you the details?

Thank you and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Veronica, DTZ
Mobile : 91826319  Read More

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