3 Answers

Morning SC,

You are not able to keep your current flat of you are buying a new EC/DBSS.
If it's a resale EC, then is not a issue.

William Koh
 9027 1972 
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1) For purchase of new EC/DBSS direct from developer, since you sold your pte condo 3 years ago, you are eligible to buy.

2) You can proceed to apply for the new EC/DBSS. Down the road, once you collect the keys, you need to dispose your HDB flat within 6 months.

3) If you do not have any outstanding mortgage loan, you can loan up to max 80%. Of course it depends on your financial status/income level.

4) If i am not wrong, for some banks, the loan tenure is based on 75 years minus age of youngest borrower, or 35 years max. I can get my banker to give you a better advice.

Pls call me at 96836230  for further discussion.

Ander ERA Read More
Afternoon SC,

You are eligible to purchase new DBSS or EC. Upon key collection, you are to sell away your current HDB unit. New EC and DBSS follows HDB ruling, though it belongs to premium public housing.
Resale EC, on the other hand, is semi private, after MOP. Hence you are eligible to keep both resale EC and your current HDB, if you are open to such option.
If your current unit is still under mortgage, bank can only loan you to maximum of 80%. Actual condition may varies due to your income status and actual age.

Do feel free to contact me for further discussion

Mike Lim
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