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I am SC (37 years old) and wife Malaysian PR (34 year old). We having a 3-Room HDB Flat, intend to move to 4-5 room flat from resale market. Assuming selling off our 3-room flat , we can get back around total of 130K. We have another 50K saving in hand remaining 10K in CPF. Do we afford to buy a flat with 500K. If we getting HDB loan to buy resale HDB. What is the maximum loan can we apply, 80% or 90%? Thank you.
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8 Answers

Angela Chua 蔡斯淇
HI, You will be eligible for HDB loan at 90%. However do take note that if you are taking second HDB loan for your next purchase, you need to set aside 50% of your cash proceeds into your next flat. As whether you can afford a 500k flat, I would advise to submit the HLE first before moving forward. Feel free to contact me if you have further queries. Thank you. Angela Chua Propnex Realty Pte Ltd H/P: 9323 3330  Read More
Morning, For HDB loan, you can get max of 90% loan, depending on your income status and credit record. If you current unit is using HDB loan, you will need to utilize 50% of your cash proceed for the upcoming purchase. As to if you are eligible to purchase 5 room flat, it would definitely depend on which area you are looking into and how much loan you can get. Do feel free to contact me if you require further assistance. Regards Mike Lim 96929209 ERA Read More
YT Tan (陈永达)
Good afternoon, I will advise you to apply for HLE first to gauge how much can you loan first. HDB loan will be up to 90%. Hope to hear from you when you get your HLE result. Cheers! YT Tan ECG Property 9111 5171 Read More
Dear sir, In today's lending regulations, housing loans for HDB will be subjected to MSR and TDSR therefore it is important to know the combine household income level to know if you can afford a $500k HDB unit. As most of my fellow professionals have answered, it is advisable to proceed to get your HLE done first before moving on, taking note that 50% of your cash proceeds needs to be utilised for your next purchase should you be using HDB loan, where you can loan up to 90%. If you wish to explore using bank loan, you are eligible to loan up to 80% only. It will be good to check on both sides to understand the situation better. Visit and Like my facebook page at Regards, Geryl LIM Real Estate Director Masters Of Real Estate (L3010548F) CEA Reg R014783H Mobile: +65-81577565 /+65-92787772 Email: M.O.R.E Landed Dynamic Alliance Home of *7772 Hotline Check out our latest Landed Dynamic Alliance 7772 mobile application on iOS or Android @ "Landed 7772" in Mobile Apps Store or Play Store now! Our next exhibition is on 2nd and 3rd August 2014. If you have missed out successful exhibition on 10th and 11th May, do not miss this opportunity again. Register your interest to attend this showcase event now! Read More
Hi, I am Bryan from ERA. I can guide you to obtaining the HLE and understand of the whole procedure, help you sell your flat and get a new. Please to contact me at 86912345  to have your doubts take n care of. Thank you and have a nice day. Warmest Regards, Bryan Lee. ERA. Read More
Hi suggest you proceed with your hdb loan first and see your eligibility amt. Will work out a spreadsheet on your commitment when you are ready. You might want to write to me at or call me at 9750 8318  for a discussion. Silvia Chua , ERA Read More
Hi Sir, Thanks for posting in Propertyguru and I am also very happy to hear of your plans to upgrade. As for HDB loan, the maximum loan is 90% but they will wipe out your CPF and also the 50% of the cash proceeds of the sale of your current house will need to be put into the purchase of the new house. OF course other factors affecting loan amount will be the Mortgage Servicing Ratio (MSR) and Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR). If you are fine maybe, we can meet up for a non obligatory chat and I can see if I can help you to think of any solutions to work around. Do not worry as there are no obligations. We can just really take it as a chat. Over time I have served quite a number of customers and many of them have left testimonials for me for my services. You may read them on my website, I believe I should be able to give some good advice to you. Looking forward to hear from you soon! Best Regards, Jeffrey Heng Deputy Division Director ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd Property Navigators (The #1 Team in ERA for 2009 and 2011) Mobile : 9858 1322  Email : Web : Note : If you are seeing this reply in one whole chuck of text, I wish to apologize and explain that I did not type it this way. It is some issues that the Propertyguru website is facing. Read More

Regard to your question. Why not you just drop me an email at or Contact me @ 82798327  -

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