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I am in need to buy a resale flat as i am married but i am currently a co owner of my father HDB 3 room flat, i wanted to remove my name as co owner to proceed on my purchase but i was told to either sell or my father has to pay me back the amount of OA i use to pay for the flat, if my sister took over me as co owner can she take a loan from HDB to settle this?
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7 Answers

Hi, appreciate your sharing. It subjected to HDB approval and whether your sister is above legal age to be added into the unit.
Looking forward to assist you at 9696 4398  or email me at

Stewart-PropNex Read More
Good evening!

There are various factors to be considered but it can be easily resolved.

Firstly, we need to understand more regarding your circumstances and the rest of the family. (e.g age, financials).

Contact me and I will be able to provide the assistance or advice you require! Read More
The takeover by your sister has to be approved by HDB, and she is required to be able to take up the loan and repay you the amount you have utilised from your CPF including the accrued interest. Speak to HDB on this. Read More
Hi Sir/Madam

I will be glad to assist
I am well versed in HDB and have done many transactions
Appreciate if you can contact me at (65) 96608508  with details of your unit
or click here to whatsapp me for no obligation discussion
Thank you.

Warmest regards,

Silvia Yang

Senior Marketing Director
ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9660 8508 
Email: Read More

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Landon Chew
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