3 Answers

Dear Ashley,

To have a detail understanding of your finanical position when you sell a 5 room and upgrade to a manisonette, the best option is to peform a detail financial calculation for you before you make a decision.

Prehaps, you can contact me or drop me an email @ jiaming.choo10@gmail.com

Choo Jia Ming - Savills Sales Director
HP: 9476 2732 
Email: jiaming.choo10@gmail.com
CEA Salesperson reg. no: R026370F Read More
Afternoon Ashley,

In order to assist you on the computation, I would require more details on your current status like CPF utilized, outstanding loan, Accurred CPF insurance, etc.

Do feel free to contact if you would require any further assistance.

Mike Lim
ERA Read More
Dear Ashley,
You would need proper financial breakdown before you consider to sell your current unit.
Feel free to contact me if you need my assistance. I am very familiar with the prices in the north area.
Look forward to hear from u.
Tricia Tan/ Propnex
 92700867  Read More