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Hi, I wish to buy a residential property under my company name. I wish to clarify few items

1) How much maximum loan i am eligible
2) How much should i pay for my stamp duty and ABSD (for 1st property how much and 2nd property how much?)
3) Can i sell within a year. Any penalty for selling property under company?

Your clarification on the above greatly appreciated.
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2 Answers

Bala S OrangeTee
To purchase residential property under Company's name
1) The maximum loan (LTV) will be 20%
2) Normal Stamp Duty (3% -5400) and ABSD of 15%
3) Sellers Stamp duty (SSD) will apply if you want to sell before 4 years.
Within 1 year of ownership, you need to pay 16% Seller's Stamp Duty (SSD).
After 1 Year before 2 years of ownership, it will be 12%.
After 2 Years before 3 years of ownership, it will be 8%.
After 3 Years before 4 years of ownership, it will be 4%.
SSD will not applicable after 4 years of ownership.
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