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Hi, I am looking at central area HDB around Farrer Park and Jalan Besar area. The estate is pretty old (>30 years), is it worth to get a 3 room flat now or should I wait later for the market price to drop further? If I decided to sell off next time, will it be difficult to sell off given the old age of the flat? Thank you.
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3 Answers

Hi, firstly HDB resale market has been on the down slide for the last few years and rumours has it that it will start to pick up again nearing the election. Secondly, it is true that you will face difficulty selling the unit in future if you will to purchase an older unit now.

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YT Tan (陈永达)
Good afternoon buyer,

it's true that it will be abit difficult to sell off an older property. There are even restriction on how much CPF OA funds can a buyer use if the property is at least 40 years old.

If this is one of your concerns, you might want to consider purchasing a younger property.

As for the pricing wise, you might not have realised the resale market is recovering gradually. There have been a lot of units being sold over the past few months.

Reason being that sellers are more realistic and reasonable nowadays thus they can dispose off their at the soonest time. So you should start house hunting for one if not the cheaper units will be gone soon.

Feel free to contact me if you need any assistance or advice in your property purchase.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Warmest Regards,
YT TAN 陈永达 | ACCA Graduate, RES
Vice President (Agency)
Property Avenue Pte Ltd
Estate Agent no. L3010650D
Blk 420 North Bridge Road #03-30 North Bridge Centre S188727

(M): +65 9111 5171 
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The issue with purchase and sale of older units is on the financing aspect. Buyers will not be able to utilize all their CPF monies for payment. Loan amount will also be affected. Hence if you are hoping for better resale value in the future, you might want to work around with newer and younger HDB unit.

Mike Lim
ERA Read More

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