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Hi I am a Singaporean and I am married to a foreigner from Europe. I am 36yrs old and I am currently living at my parent's house while my husband is living overseas. I would like to buy a 4 room resale hdb flat how do I go about doing that? My husband is not working nor staying in Singapore and he is not a pr. What should I do in order to buy a house in singapore with my current condition?
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7 Answers

Hi There,

I have successfully served buyers buying under the non-citizen spouse scheme. Thus, I know exactly what is required in terms of documentations etc. I would be of great help to you :)

Feel free to contact me for more discussion at 81860101  and/or email

Cheers & Happy New Year!
Felix Ng
cell @ 81860101
Associate Group Director
PropNex Realty Pte Ltd Read More
  • SS
    Hi Felix thank You for your prompt response apparantly I am still in US right now for a short staycation and i will be back in Singapore in mid Jan. I would like to highlight to you that my husband is not staying in singapore and if I were to buy a hdb resale flat preferbly near my parent's house in Yishun, I need to know if he needs to come down to sign any documents and when he needs to come down. I am concern as many agents replied to me that he needs a visitor pass but the question is he is not living in Singapore. Have u encounter such situation before? Thank You.

You can buy under the non citizen spouse scheme.
Initial cash outlay:
Depending on loan : 80/90%,
Cash payable : 20/10%, use of CASH AND CPF.
Buyer Stamp Duty 3%
ABSD PR, Legal Fees & Val Fees
1% Agent Fees

As this is your first time purchase, it is apt to have yourself guided and walked step by step to ensure you do not overpay in the process of unfamiliarity and shortchange yourself on a good deal and paperwork conditions etc. As a realtor with years of experience and awards, it is my duty to assist you on leveraging on the weak market to pick out a unit as per your requirements and conduct negotiation. You can easily asses my proven track record and recent coveted awards & testimonial on my website to ascertain the commitment, dedication and integrity I uphold in representing my client's welfare and interest to get them the best possible deal.

Let's speak further at 96659926  to discuss more comprehensively on the crux of your requirements & expectations- to enable me to deliver a more accurate financial projection and breakdown of cash flow for your purchase after understanding your finances succinctly, so as to explore the possible options accordingly at no obligation. I will walk you through the entire purchase- from shortlisting, to negotiation, to establishing loan matters and working out finances (cash/cpf/progressive payment), paperwork, sorting legal matters, providing you with recent up to date transaction caveats for benchmark pricing as well as furnish you with a customized sales report & indicative valuations.

If you are comfortable with my working style, I am more than glad and confident to work for your interest to to guide to you to your ideal property.

D Kumar
 +65 96659926 
ERA Associate Division Director

#1 team of ERA in Singapore, Asia Pacific International for 2014.

ERA 2015 Q1 Top Achievers (Top1% of ERA)
ERA Top Achievers 2013/14
ERA Multi-Million Dollar Club Award
2014 ERA Asia-Pacific Business Conference Elite Award

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2015 Feb/ April/May ERA Top Achievers
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Johnny Goh Mui Huat
Dear Mdm,

In your current condition, you can buy a HDB flat under the non-citizen spouse scheme, below is the criteria,

If you are 21 years old or above,
Your spouse must have a Long Term Visit Pass or Work Pass. The pass must be valid for at least 6 months and valid at the time you submit your application to buy a resale flat.

If you are 35 years old or above,
Your spouse must have a Visit Pass or Work Pass. The pass can have a validity period of less than 6 months. However, it must be valid at the time you submit your application to buy a resale flat.

Note: If the Visit Pass or Work Pass expires during the transaction to buy a resale flat, it must be renewed and valid by the time of your resale flat purchase completion date.

Your non-citizen spouse must be listed in the application as an occupier.

Apart from the eligibility, the next question will be the loan eligibility and you have the option of either HDB or bank loan depending your financial condition.

May i suggest that we meet up for a quick discussion and I will be to give a more detail proposal for your house hunting once i understand your current condition better.

Hope that I have answered your question.

Feel free to contact me should you need any assistance for your house hunting.

Thanks and Regards
Johnny Goh
Associate Group Director Pte Ltd
Mobile: 90906267 
Email: Read More

Since you are above the age of 35, you can apply for resale HDB unit under non-citizen spouse scheme. However, your spouse need to be holding onto visitor pass of at least 6 months. The mortgage will be based on your income.

Do feel free to contact me for further discussion.

Mike Lim
ERA Read More
Mani Subramanian Veeramani

There are so much other important things that you should know before you buy under the non-citizen spouse scheme.
Please check it out these tips and guides at
 8300 4411  Read More
Robbie Chen Chee Howe

Based on your status, you can purchase a HDB resale flat under the Non-Citizen Spouse Scheme, with your husband listed as an essential occupier.

Under this scheme, you will be the sole owner of the flat, hence loan assessment will only be based on your income alone.

The first thing you should do now is to speak to a banker, to ascertain the maximum amount of loan that you're eligible for. After you have gotten this figure, together with your Cash and CPF-OA on hand, work out your budget. With a budget in mind, you can then narrow down your choices.

Should you need any further assistance in matters relating to property, please contact me at my mobile 9748 6305 . I will be happy to assess and share with you the possibilities for you in the current market.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Robbie Chen
 9748 6305 
PropNex Realty Read More

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