You can buy under the non citizen spouse scheme.
Initial cash outlay:
Depending on loan : 80/90%,
Cash payable : 20/10%, use of CASH AND CPF.
Buyer Stamp Duty 3%
ABSD PR, Legal Fees & Val Fees
1% Agent Fees
As this is your first time purchase, it is apt to have yourself guided and walked step by step to ensure you do not overpay in the process of unfamiliarity and shortchange yourself on a good deal and paperwork conditions etc. As a realtor with years of experience and awards, it is my duty to assist you on leveraging on the weak market to pick out a unit as per your requirements and conduct negotiation. You can easily asses my proven track record and recent coveted awards & testimonial on my website to ascertain the commitment, dedication and integrity I uphold in representing my client's welfare and interest to get them the best possible deal.
Let's speak further at
96659926 to discuss more comprehensively on the crux of your requirements & expectations- to enable me to deliver a more accurate financial projection and breakdown of cash flow for your purchase after understanding your finances succinctly, so as to explore the possible options accordingly at no obligation. I will walk you through the entire purchase- from shortlisting, to negotiation, to establishing loan matters and working out finances (cash/cpf/progressive payment), paperwork, sorting legal matters, providing you with recent up to date transaction caveats for benchmark pricing as well as furnish you with a customized sales report & indicative valuations.
If you are comfortable with my working style, I am more than glad and confident to work for your interest to to guide to you to your ideal property.
D Kumar
+65 96659926 ERA Associate Division Director
#1 team of ERA in Singapore, Asia Pacific International for 2014.
ERA 2015 Q1 Top Achievers (Top1% of ERA)
ERA Top Achievers 2013/14
ERA Multi-Million Dollar Club Award
2014 ERA Asia-Pacific Business Conference Elite Award
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2014 Aug/Sept/3rd quarter/Dec/ Overall 2014 ERA Top Achievers
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