6 Answers

YT Tan (陈永达)
Good morning buyer,

What is the budget you are working around with? Do you need funds from your HDB sale to fund this purchase? If yes, probably you should consider marketing your unit for sale first while searching for and committing into an ideal penthouse because it might take a slightly longer time than before to get a buyer to appreciate your HDB.

Do share more about your situation so I will be in a better position to advise and assist you.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Warmest Regards,
YT TAN 陈永达 | ACCA Graduate, RES
Vice President (Agency)
Property Avenue Pte Ltd
Estate Agent no. L3010650D
Blk 420 North Bridge Road #03-30 North Bridge Centre S188727

(M): +65 9111 5171 
(E): yt.lovelyhomes@gmail.com
(W): www.yttan.com
(W): www.propertyavenue.com.sg Read More
Hi, there are a number of condo available base on your requirement but first could I know your budget so as to assist you further? And may I suggest that you focus more on the selling of the HDB unit as due to the weak market sentiment, it is taking a much longer time than usual for seller to dispose off their HDB unit. Pls feel free to let me know if you need any assistance.

aaronchong2774@yahoo.com.sg Read More

How about Sky Habitat at Bishan, just received its TOP and an iconic development with unblocked views + terrace space near Bishan MRT. May I know whats your preferred budget? May I understand your requirements further so to further assist? Thanks and hope to have the opportunity to work with you.

Warm regards
Ivan ERA
Website: http://www.ivanng10.com/#!reviews/c11r1
(Client's Testimonials) Read More
Dear Sir/Mdm,

First of all congratulations on your plans for the upgrade!

For your requirements on locations, the price range can be pretty wide. Would you like to further advice on the budget that you are looking at so that we can better advise?

If you are ok, then maybe we can meet up for a discussion on this? I can also find out more about your the requirements. We can also do a calculation if you need to see estimate the sales proceeds of the sale of your house and how your finances can work out for your purchase. No worries there are no obligations and we just take it as a chat.

I have served many sellers and buyers over time and many of them are now my friends. Some of them have also left testimonials for me and you may read them on www.jeffreyheng.com. I believe I will be able to provide some good advice to you too.

Looking forward to hear from you soon! Cheers!

Best Regards,

Jeffrey Heng
Branch Division Director
ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd
SAEA Real Estate Excellence Silver Award - Best Client Service
SAEA Real Estate Excellence Award Nominee - Best Client Service

Mobile : +65 9858 1322 
Email : hengjeffrey@gmail.com
Web : www.jeffreyheng.com Read More

May I ask what your comfortable budget would be for the intended purchase? With this in mind, it'll be easier to succintly propose developmenets for your consideration. You could even explore the options of preminium landed property, as I mentioned, it boils down to the budget.

What we can do in the meanwhile is to discuss on your finances to draw out a price analysis chart & financial calculation cash flow/ progressive payments + as well as amalgamate the cash proceeds from your HDB sales to facilitate and finance a smooth upgrade process.

Do note that there is NO agent fees involved and I will walk you through this whole tedious process of : explanation of procedure, shortlisting, negotiation, paperwork, establishing financial projections / application of loan, sharing of market insights, providing up to date transaction caveats & price analysis of properties as well as and handling all technical and legal matters at NO cost!

D Kumar
 +65 96659926 
ERA Associate Division Director

#1 team of ERA in Singapore, Asia Pacific International for 2014.

ERA 2015 Q1 Top Achievers (Top 1% of ERA)
ERA Top Achievers 2013/14
ERA Multi-Million Dollar Club Award
2014 ERA Asia-Pacific Business Conference Elite Award

P Group
2015 April ERA Top Achievers
2015 February ERA Top Achievers
2014 Aug/Sept/3rd quarter/Dec/ overall 2014 ERA Top Achievers Read More
For me to assist and advise on the sale and purchase, kindly drop me an email for me to share the procedures and how to avoid accommodation during the transition.

I can be contactable at my mobile or mail.

CK Ang
 9046 3808 
res.ckang@gmail.com Read More