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Hi Guru, if my wife and I buy a resale HDB flat without using the HDB housing grant, how long should we wait before we can apply for a new HDB or EC? I know if we take the grant, it will be 5 years. But what if we don't?
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3 Answers


For all BTO or resale HDB (with or without grant) booked on or after 30 August 2010, the MOP is 5 years. If you are confident of your job prospects and feel ready to make the step up, why not just consider a new EC from the start? There are plenty of EC buyers who entered a decade back who are sitting on profits and have more or less secured their retirement, while also in the process giving their family a better life. Thanks and hope to understand your requirements further and value-add to your housing plans.

Warm regards
Ivan ERA
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  • PZ
    Hi, thanks for the reply. So, it means I cannot even apply for BTO/new EC before the MOP, right? For example, if I collected by key for the resale HDB in Dec 2015, then the MOP will be in Dec 2020. If there is a BTO/new EC launched in 2017, but TOP in 2021. I cannot apply for it in 2017, right?

You will nonetheless have to oblige the 5 years MOP.
Why not consider EC?
If thought from a long term perspective, it have a far more appreciating factor and is greatly valued in comparison to HDB. If you are already having thoughts of upgrading to an EC in the future, you may wish to bring forward that intention. Prices are already on the downside with huge discounts ongoing. This may not be possible in the future given the market volatility.

How about I run you through the dynamics of EC , with financial figures and explain more the pros and cons of the purchase and with that, the discretion is left to you to make an informed decision.

D Kumar
 +65 96659926 
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With the current ruling, MOP will be 5 years flat for both buyers on resale unit, with or without grant.

Mike Lim
ERA Read More

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