Hi Sir,
First of all, sorry to hear that your wife is sick and pray that she will have a speedy recovery.
For your question, yes she can appoint a power of attorney to help her with the signing of the documents. We have settled sales transactions for our clients when they were staying in Minnesota and all paperwork was settled without them needing to fly back to Singapore. Of course there are some points to look at to see if we can make it even easier. Like is your property already sold? Also are you currently in Singapore or in USA?
If you are comfortable, maybe can trouble you to contact me as we are not able to contact you on our end. Then we can see how we can advise you on this. No worries there are no obligations at all. Hopefully I will be able to help you with some solutions.
Looking forward to hear from you soon! Cheers!
Best Regards,
Jeffrey Heng
Associate Executive Director (Sincerus Division)
OrangeTee and Tie Pte Ltd
NAVIS Living Group - The fastest growing group in OrangeTee that believes in Technology, Training & Teamwork (3Ts)
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