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Hello gurus, after the sale of the current HDB flat, we intend to buy 1 sub 1m$ condo for investment, and another bigger unit for own stay. 2 properties would be under single name.

I would like to ask the experts here, is it a sensible move?
Is it better to split into 2 property or just channel all the money and get one bigger better condo unit?

We have around 7-800k in cash after the hdb sale, with combined income around 10k. We are in late twenties and early thirties. Thank you for the reply!
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9 Answers


It depends on your risk appetite and comfort level. Selling hdb and purchasing one property under each individual name helps you to save on the ABSD outlay which is substantial. However this requires both to gear up and take up mortgage loan which may not be ideal for every individual. Also as its under individual names, some couples may not be comfortable with the idea. There could be other pros and cons based on your situation, happy to share more if I could have more information.

May I have more info and requirements about your plans so to make better recommendations? Thanks and look forward to value-add to your housing plans.

Warm Regards,
(ASk Anything Property)
Proactive. Sincerity. Feedback.
SMU BBM (Finance), Magna Cum Laude

Contact: (+65) 97432395 
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(Client's Testimonials)

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-- HDB BTO 4rm Sellers Mr. Farvin & Ms. Sel --

Ivan was the first agent that we met up with and right from the offset we had good vibes as he has a friendly personal approach, detailed working style and focuses on building the long-term relationship.

Our unit comes with its challenges but Ivan remained positive and had no qualms committing to our plans right from the start. It took only 6 weeks of aggressive marketing for him to secure a good offer which was a pleasant surprise in the end.

Ivan was always responsive and we had no worries to pass him the house keys. The whole process was transparent and hassle free, and he was always thinking from our point of view on how to make life easier for the client. He is a committed professional and has fast execution, so we felt assured that things are done well and we can entrust the sale process entirely to him.

--- HDB Flat Upgraders Mr. & Mrs. Lee ---

We decided to engage Ivan as our agent as we were impressed with how he answered the enquiries on property guru website.

He has helped us to find our ideal unit and also sold our current unit. He was very patient and never pushy when we were looking for our ideal unit. He would tell us that it is always important to find a unit that we really liked.

When it comes to selling of our unit, he was always prompt in arranging for viewings and he also tried his best to arrange and consolidate the viewings due to our time constraints. He is a reliable and prompt agent and is always willing to clarify any concerns and questions that we have.

Thanks Ivan! :)

-- HDB 5-rm Sellers Mr. & Mrs. Ting --

We have engaged the services of Ivan Ng for sale of our property at Pandan Gardens. He is professional and systematic in his marketing approach.

He is hardworking and committed to his work. He puts in great efforts in arranging clients for viewings and kept us updated thereafter. He is ever ready to help and guide us whenever the need arises.

He provided us with sound and useful advice as well as closely follow through from the start till the smooth sale of the property within a short period of time.

Thanks, Ivan. Keep up the good work! Read More
Hi do contact me at 97970200  to discuss more. It seems you are in a good position with some options.

Mark, your RIGHT choice
MCG Read More

At your age group, you have the greatest potential to jump out of rat race as early as in your 40's.

In current market situation, with all the cooling measures brought across. It's never a better time than before.
In fact, most of the current developers are concern of the situation, and will concious on any more price increment.

Just as you might aware that some developers were planned to increase the price after hitting certain percentage sold in the project.
That was observed last year, where all projects' price had increase in the range of 5% to 10%.

With your current financial situation and citizen status, buying 2 properties is a better choice.
Most of the buyers in the market are greatly affected due to the downpayment & LTV.

Thus need to carefully assess on individual income/CPF in order to understand how to proportionally divided to maximise the return.

Hope the above answer to your main concerns, but if there are more queries, please feel free to contact me at 90110636 , or email: if more information is needed.
I'll be glad to assist.

Best regards
Ling CK

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Robbie Chen Chee Howe

From the information provided, you do have substantial cash after the sale of your HDB sale. However, based on your combined income, you may not be able to loan too much if you're looking to purchase a property in the $2m range. You may also feel abit stretched if you commit to 2 properties at the same time, especially if you plan to have children in the near future.

Have you considered a "3rd option", where you can buy just 1 unit and yet able to achieve rental on a monthly basis?

I think it is advisable if we can arrange for a meetup to discuss all the possible options for you and your spouse going forward.

Should you need any further assistance in matters relating to property, please contact me at my mobile 9748 6305 . I will be happy to assess and share with you the possibilities for you in the current market.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Robbie Chen
 9748 6305 
PropNex Realty Read More
To be very frank, I wouldn't recommend to get 2 units where you stay in one and you rent out the other, given that rental return for residential units are not performing and there maybe an element of financial strain if you are stretching towards this option, nevertheless, at the end of the day, we really need to sit down to work on the finer details financially to understand better how your optimum position before moving ahead.

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It would be difficult to purchase 2 due to the ABSD issue and LTV.. So it is more advisable to purchase just 1 unit for own stay.. For your allowable loan quantum, better check with banker how much you can loan.


Raymond Lim
CCN Realty Pte Ltd
Email: Read More
Hi Sir/Mdm

Please contact me at (65) 96608508  or
or click here for non obligation discussion.

Thank you.

Warmest regards,

Silvia Yang

PropNex Realty Pte Ltd
Mobile: (65) 9660 8508 
Email: Read More
Dear Sir/Mdm,

Purchasing 2 properties, each under a single name is a good move as you will be able to save a significant amount of stamp duties. You seems to be in a good position to adopt this strategy as both of you are still young and your earning powers will still continue to increase in the future.

If your family requires bigger space, then I would advise you to purchase a bigger unit in a good location which has future upside potential. In this way, you will be able to enjoy the capital appreciation in the future while you stay.

However, if a smaller unit is sufficient, then you may consider getting 2 smaller units instead, one for stay, the other for rental.

It will be worthwhile to look at your overall financial position and objectives before deciding on which is the better option.

Please feel free to contact me so that I can understand your situation better and provide you with further assistance!

Nick Tan
(M) +65 9644 4854 
B.Eng(Chemical)(Hons)(NUS) / Cert-in-REA
Visit my website to know me better:
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“I would like to recommend Nick Tan from SRI. Before we engaged Nick, we were working with another agent from a very popular property agency in February 2017. We decided to terminate the contract after 5 weeks of zero viewings and no paper advertisements. Basically he was just waiting for phone calls. We engaged Nick on 20th April and by 10th of May, our unit was sold off. Why Nick? 1. He has good marketing strategies 2. He always kept us posted on what he did (communications!) 3. He made sure we understand the current market situation but he will consistently reassure us that the unit can be sold off 4. He is not greedy and trusting 5. He walks the talk”

Peter & Wendy (Property Seller)

I write to commend Nick Tan (R040814C). When my husband and I first met Nick, we were impressed by his drive, commitment, business acumen and strategical thinking, and decided to engage him. We were not disappointed. Nick sourced for prospective quality buyers in a targeted methodical fashion and was effective in connecting us with serious buyers, notwithstanding the fact that the search primarily took place over Dec – Feb (a traditional lull period). Throughout the transaction, he also gave us helpful advice in various aspects; the advice reflected his personal experience and expertise and was not simply regurgitated from public sources without any value-add. Further, Nick went beyond the call of duty of a competent professional. He had a sense of humanity in the way he interacted with myself and the other parties to the transaction such as my parents. As an example, my newborn daughter was warded into A&E on the completion date of the transaction; the care and concern that Nick showed went beyond the scope of work of an estate agent. I commend Nick for his capabilities and character, and would certainly wish to engage him for future property transactions.

Weilun & Benita (Property Seller)

“We are very grateful to Nick for his extensive marketing efforts. With his comprehensive marketing plan, he helped us to achieve a record selling price within 2 weeks of listing our property for sale! We highly recommend his service to anyone who is keen to sell their properties.”
Mr & Mrs Wong (Property Seller)

“Nick has conducted himself ethically and professionally when handling the sales of our property. Thanks to his patience and perseverance, we managed to secure a sales price beyond our expectations.
We are very happy and satisfied with his services and will definitely recommend him to our friends and family in the future.”
Mr & Mrs Tan (Seller of Inter-Terrace House) Read More
YT Tan (陈永达)
Good evening Sir/ Mdm,

My team and I have been assisting numerous homeowners to grow their property portfolio while enjoying tax savings.

Care to share why do you intend to purchase 2 properties under single name?

By purchasing a single name, the cooling measures will be applicable:

1) Additional buyer's stamp duty of 12% as Singaporean
2) required to set aside basic retirement sum of $85.5k in CPF OA + SA before can use excess OA funds.
3) loan up to max 45% if there's an outstanding housing loan

Shall we look into the possibility of owning two properties without subject to these cooling measures?

Let's meet up to discuss and explore what are your options.

When will it be good for both of you?

"Your Freehold Ally, Leasehold Tactician"

YT TAN 陈永达 | ACCA Graduate, RES
Propnex Realty Pte Ltd

(M): +65 9111 5171 

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  • BT
    Hi, what I meant was, bought 2 properties using 2 different names. One under mine and e other my wife

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