3 Answers

YT Tan (陈永达)
Good morning Zheng,

Do you mean this?

Buy resale flat in 2022, never take housing grant
Apply for BTO in 2027
Cant get BTO, request HDB to give you housing grant based on 2022 purchase?

If this is what you meant, of course not possible.

If you are worried you are not able to get a BTO in future, you should consider get the grants now.

If buy a 4rm flat, take up to $70k. Apply for BTO, resale levy is $40k. Overall still have $30k.
If never take now and cant get BTO, overall zero.

Hope my sharing helps in aiding in your enquiry. May I know how can I value add further in your property needs?

Best regards,

YT Tan
Property Kaki
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Mobile: 91115171 
Email: yt.tan91115171@gmail.com

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Hi Zheng,

1) Housing grants only available to 1st timer buying a resale flat.
2) If you buy a resale flat without a grant it means you didn't utilize the 1st timer opportunity.
3) You will have a better chance of getting a BTO faster in the future.
4) If you upgrade to a bigger resale flat in the future you will still be eligible to apply for a grant.
5) The only thing we won't know is whether the grant amount will be adjusted in the future and whether the adjustment is equivalent to the value of the grant as of today.
6) This is speaking from the perspective of inflation.

Hope the above answer your main concerns, but if there are more query, please feel free to contact me at 90110636  , or email: ling.ck7@gmail.com if more information is needed.
I'll be glad to assist.

Best regards
Ling CK

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Robbie Chen Chee Howe

I'm sorry to inform you that this is not possible.

The purpose of Housing Grant is to assist young couples own their first flat. If you had not utilised the Grants when purchasing the flat, you will not be able to request for a reimbursement years after you had purchased the flat.

I am experienced and well-versed in both HDB and private transactions. I will be able to assist you in your property plans. Please get in touch with me for a more in-depth discussion.

Should you need require further assistance in matters relating to property, please contact me at my mobile 9748 6305  . I will be happy to assess and share with you the possibilities for you in the current market.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Robbie Chen
 9748 6305 
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