3 Answers

There are some changes to the interface on PropertyGuru. How may we assist you further during this period?

In case you are unaware, SPH is organising The Home Expo 2024 this coming September and OrangeTee is proud to be the presenter for this event where we have lined up a total of 16 speakers who will be sharing on the different market segments and topics during the 3 days event. Do register for the event if you are looking out for more insights of the real estate market at http://bit.ly/THE2024Geryl. Looking forward to see you at the event.


I have been in the real estate business since 2009, with more than 14 years of experience serving the Singapore real estate market.

I am very active in the residential segment of Singapore real estate market, having transacted hundreds of deals from HDBs to private condominiums and landed properties in Singapore, and have handled many unique cases in sales and purchases as well as rental deals.

Over the years, I have also established a network reaching out to more than 9,400 expatriates, bringing my market presence to both in and outside of Singapore. This has created an additional exposure when I manage my client's portfolios, on top of the conventional on and offline platforms, where other estate agents are relying on. This has allowed me to consistently convert leads into results.

With an evolving market, where change is the only constant, I have also been investing in upgrading of my knowledge and skills sets to improve myself and meet the demands of current and future market.

We are offering our clients a complimentary first consultation without obligations (Absolutely FREE!). Schedule for your FREE session today!

Warmest regards,
Geryl Lim
Senior Division Associate Director
Email: geryl.lim@orangetee.com / geryl7772@gmail.com
OrangeTee & Tie Pte Ltd 430 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh #01-01 OrangeTee Building Singapore 319402
Estate Agent Licence No. L3009250K
 +65 92787772 

My self introductory video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_2NydENfx0


Note: We value your home as much as you do! Find out the indicative value of your home at http://bit.ly/UrHomeMatters and get monthly update on your home value. Restructure your portfolio with us, speak to us!

Tenants can visit http://bit.ly/SGExpatRental (Official Rental Requirements - Singapore Expatriates) to indicate your rental requirements.

Visit and Like my facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/GerylLimSince2009/ - Aspiring To Be The Best Real Estate Agent In Singapore

Pick up knowledge, skills and Real Estate concepts at https://www.facebook.com/RealEstateXcellence/

New Singapore Expatriates on facebook is up and running. Come join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/newsgexpats/

Landed Dynamic Alliance
Home of *7772 Hotline
Check out our latest Landed Dynamic Alliance 7772 mobile application on iOS or Android @ http://l.ead.me/7772 Read More
Hi, appreciate your sharing
Looking forward to assist you at 9696 4398  or email me at stewartlim96964398@gmail.com

Stewart-PropNex (Senior Associate Division Director) Read More

WhatsApp me at: ABLE Toh (65) 98 56 92 55 or through this link.:https://wa.me/6598569255


"If you need more assistance with property matters:

like renting / selling, buying / or investing, I'm here to help!

WhatsApp me at: ABLE Toh (65) 98 56 92 55 or through this link.:https://wa.me/6598569255

(Unfortunately, this platform doesn't allow direct contact, but you can easily reach me )

(***) You can check out my reviews here: https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/agent/able-s-k-toh-61591.

For buyers, I offer solutions for sourcing resale and new private homes at no charge.

I can connect you with reputable bankers for private housing loans free of charge and with no obligation.

I also have partners to assist with mortgage home insurance matters.

Let's seal this affinity by technology; please PM me your contact for assistance with your real estate needs. So, I believe in Affinity (Chinese word: 缘份) :), let's SEAL this AFFINITY Not by blood but by Technology > Please PM, Private Message your contact so that I CAN BE (EXTRA) PAIR OF HANDS / BRAIN and LEGS to Assist you NOW or FUTURE REAL ESTATE NEEDS!

*** You can reach me at my Singapore mobile: (65) 98 56 92 55 or email me at Able.selling@gmail.com.

From: ABLE Toh- Your Property ASSISTANT : )

“ i am ABLE to Help As Much As You are ABLE To PM (Private Message) me ”


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