Founder of Homeseller.sgC & H PROPERTIES PTE LTDPatrick Chee3.6Performance OverviewS$ 661,913S$ 565 psfMedian listing price & psf39 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Managing DirectorLHG PROPERTIES PTE LTD.Lewis HoPerformance Overview28 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
SENIOR DIVISION DIRECTORERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDAhmad Ibrahim5.0Performance OverviewS$ 626,111S$ 484 psfMedian listing price & psf22 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Branch Division Director #1 Top Overall/Resale 15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23ERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDKavin Kuah5.0Performance OverviewS$ 660,444S$ 542 psfMedian listing price & psf22 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Senior Director of AgencyERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDAdi Mesti Jadi5.0Performance OverviewS$ 650,500S$ 545 psfMedian listing price & psf21 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
ERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDSofian Roslan5.0Performance OverviewS$ 600,000S$ 558 psfMedian listing price & psf21 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Senior Associate District DirectorORANGETEE & TIE PTE. LTD.Susan Mariam (Amboi)5.0Performance Overview19 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Associate Division DirectorERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDKeith Tan 陈俊伟5.0Performance OverviewS$ 511,178S$ 539 psfMedian listing price & psf18 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
SENIOR ASSOCIATE DIRECTORPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Ng Han Min5.0Performance OverviewS$ 616,033S$ 521 psfMedian listing price & psf18 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
KEOMR BOLEH REALTY PTE. LTD.Rony NgPerformance OverviewS$ 676,778S$ 539 psfMedian listing price & psf16 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Associate Division DirectorPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Nizam Adli Saparin5.0Performance OverviewS$ 617,500S$ 542 psfMedian listing price & psf15 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Woodlands Featured AgentPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Jia Qi LeePerformance OverviewS$ 586,667S$ 544 psfMedian listing price & psf15 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
SRI Division DirectorSRI PTE. LTD.Mohamad Faizal Bin Hanafi5.0Performance OverviewS$ 495,000S$ 547 psfMedian listing price & psf14 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Senior Marketing DirectorERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDNazri Baobed5.0Performance Overview14 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Senior District DirectorSRI PTE. LTD.Fai MuniPerformance OverviewS$ 590,667S$ 577 psfMedian listing price & psf14 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
PROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Kamal Karim5.0Performance OverviewS$ 542,502S$ 542 psfMedian listing price & psf14 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Associate Group Director PNPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.SQ RaudhaPerformance OverviewS$ 850,000S$ 564 psfMedian listing price & psf13 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Associate Division DirectorSRI PTE. LTD.Mirza Subari5.0Performance OverviewS$ 465,000S$ 636 psfMedian listing price & psf13 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
ERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDJonah Heng3.6Performance OverviewS$ 698,000S$ 590 psfMedian listing price & psf13 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Marketing DirectorPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Azhar Sulaiman5.0Performance OverviewS$ 528,888S$ 528 psfMedian listing price & psf12 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile