Branch Division Director #1 Top Overall/Resale 15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23ERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDKavin Kuah5.0Performance OverviewS$ 872,000S$ 701 psfMedian listing price & psf21 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Founder of Homeseller.sgC & H PROPERTIES PTE LTDPatrick Chee3.6Performance OverviewS$ 818,050S$ 604 psfMedian listing price & psf20 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
ERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDSofian Roslan5.0Performance OverviewS$ 778,000S$ 531 psfMedian listing price & psf15 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
PROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Daryl Michael5.0Performance OverviewS$ 764,817S$ 571 psfMedian listing price & psf15 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
SENIOR DIVISION DIRECTORERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDAhmad Ibrahim5.0Performance OverviewS$ 794,833S$ 553 psfMedian listing price & psf13 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Associate Group DirectorPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Eugene Chen5.0Performance Overview13 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Division DirectorERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDNona Kirana5.0Performance OverviewS$ 752,000S$ 558 psfMedian listing price & psf12 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
ERA DIVISION DIRECTORERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDAaron Loon5.0Performance OverviewS$ 580,000S$ 508 psfMedian listing price & psf9 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
PROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Alan NgPerformance OverviewS$ 748,000S$ 747 psfMedian listing price & psf9 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Senior Director of AgencyERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDAdi Mesti Jadi5.0Performance OverviewS$ 778,556S$ 608 psfMedian listing price & psf8 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Associate Senior Sales DirectorSRI PTE. LTD.Farhan .5.0Performance Overview8 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Group DirectorPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.F M FossilPerformance OverviewS$ 650,000S$ 570 psfMedian listing price & psf7 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Senior Marketing Director - ERA TOP Achiever AwardsERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDLouis Leow4.9Performance OverviewS$ 865,000S$ 576 psfMedian listing price & psf7 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Senior Associate Marketing DirectorPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Amanda Keh5.0Performance Overview7 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Associate District DirectorPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Heikal ShafrudinPerformance OverviewS$ 745,000S$ 546 psfMedian listing price & psf6 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Marketing DirectorERA REALTY NETWORK PTE LTDAndy KhooPerformance Overview6 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Senior Associate DirectorPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Jemimah TanPerformance Overview6 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Associate Divsion DirectorPROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Anthony YipPerformance Overview5 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
Associate Group DirectorHUTTONS ASIA PTE LTDY'von Koh5.0Performance Overview5 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile
俊傑**Division Director**PERSONAL WEALTH STRATEGIST**PROPNEX REALTY PTE. LTD.Bruce Ang5.0Performance Overview5 HDB unitssold in past 3 yearsView Profile