Angeline Teo

Past Transactions
Past Transactions in 3 years
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The past transaction data contains information from the CEA Salespersons Property Transaction Records accessed on 09 February 2022 from the Council For Estate Agencies which is made available under the terms of the Singapore Open Data License version 1.0 .
The past transaction data is provided on an "as in" and "as available" basis, and PropertyGuru Pte Ltd makes no representations or warranties in relation to the past transaction data, including but not limited to any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, continued availability, timeliness, or fitness for any particular purpose of the past transaction data to the fullest extent permitted by law.
About Angeline
Experience in this Real Estate Industry since 1994 and going through the different market sentiments had given me strong understanding of the different property market trends.
Our 3 'C's:
Customer Service
Customer Relationship
Commitments to Customers.
We love to put our 3 ‘C’s in action to provide you with the best service and the most hassle free Real Estate transactions.
Professional guidance will be given in order to achieve client goals through a hassle free transaction. This includes being Real Estate 1-Stop Solutions Provider, from dressing up your property for marketing, to marketing of the property, powerful negotiation, solving problems, all the way till transactions completed. And our services does not just end here! Future professional advice and consultation to Clients and acquaintances continues...
Our aim is to provide a one-stop solution to the real estate need of both our corporate and individual clients.
We provide unique and effective solutions to our clients, and our wholehearted commitment to our clients will see us going extra mile to bring an added dimension to customer service.
Give us a call or email us now for any of your property need and enquiry. Experience the difference for yourself today!
- Apartment Rental
- Apartment Sales
- Landed House Rental
- Landed House Sales
- HDB Sales
- Commercial Property

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